Humic Acid Powder


Potassium Humate 60%
Humic acid 50 %
Potassium oxide soluble in water 10%
Fulvic acid 3 %


Humic Acid is naturally extracted from mineral leonardite. It is a mixture of macromolecular organic compounds formed after microorganisms decompose and transform plants, and then undergo long-term geochemical reactions.It has high activity and long-lasting fertilizer efficiency. It is suitable for all kinds of soil especially alkaline soil. It mainly used as organic soil conditioner or base fertilizers and suitable for organic agriculture.The main elements of humic acid are carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and a small amount of nitrogen and sulfur. In addition, there are many functional groups, such as quinone, carbonyl, carboxyl, enol groups.


Effects of Humic Acid Powder

Increases chlorophyll content in plant.

It increase white root development.

Increases the availability of Phosphorus, Iron, Manganese, and Zinc.
Increases Photosynthesis process in leaf, also increases productivity and yield of plant.
Promotes micro-nutrients transfer in crops, activates hormones in plant.


FRUIT TREES, VINES, TREES in all stages of vegetative and reproductive growth 10-50 Kg/Ha
FIELD CROPS in all stages of vegetative and reproductive growth 5-10 kg/ Ha
VEGETABLES During the growth period 4-8 kg/ Ha

Try not to use this fertilizer in hot hours of the day and water it in cool hours such as morning or evening.

– The amount of humic acid used depends on the conditions of the garden and agricultural products, so do not arbitrarily reduce or increase its amount and ask the experts while buying.

– It should be consumed if experts have confirmed the simultaneous use of humic acid with animal fertilizers.

– The effectiveness of chemical fertilizers such as urea, sulpotas, ammonium sulfate, etc. will increase with humic acid.

– According to experts, if you need to use chemical fertilizers, simultaneous consumption with humic acid will absorb the nutrients in them better.



Use Humic Acid fertilizer in horticultural and agricultural products according to soil, leaf test results and expert advice.

Humic fertilizer can be mixed with most pesticides and agricultural fertilizers, but it is recommended not to be mixed with very acidic solutions with a pH of less than 6.



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